Parent Involvement

Parent Involvment

The partnership among parents, staff, teachers, and God is what makes Ann Arbor Christian School so special. Our school was founded on the principle of parents partnering with the school to become a community where school, church, and home are all reinforcing the same Christian values. Through our Partnering Opportunity Points (POP) program, each family does its part to keep this partnership going strong.

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” – 1 Peter 4:10

Why POP?

AACS has a variety of needs requiring different levels of time and effort. The POP program was designed to help spread out the Partnering Opportunities across our school community in an equitable manner in order to increase family participation and minimize parent burnout. By participating in Partnering Opportunities:

  • Families get to know each other better
  • There is a sense of ownership in the school
  • The staff is supported
  • Our children get to see parents serving the Lord and their school

There are also financial benefits which translate into lower tuition rates. POP saves the school money by covering needs that would otherwise have to be hired out.

“I LOVE our school – the community, the students, the teachers and staff and what AACS stands for – so being involved is a no brainer! I am happy to give of my time.”

Deedee Varick

Parent of 2 AACS students

Examples of POP Roles

POP roles include both ongoing roles and help with one-time events. Some examples of POP roles include:

Ongoing Roles
  • Morning greeters
  • Recess supervisors
  • Library helpers
  • Room parents
  • Various committees, such as technology, public relations, buildings & grounds, and yearbook
One-Time Events
  • Apple Pie Sale
  • Grandparent’s Day
  • Pancake Breakfast
  • Father/Daughter & Mother/Son Events
  • Science Fair
  • Field Day

SOAR – Parent Group Supporting AACH High School

The mascot of AACS is the eagle, and a group of eagles is called a “soar.” SOAR is a group of parents committed to the expansion and reach of AACS in the greater Ann Arbor area, including our second site and high school at Huron Hills Church. The group will provide prayer support, generate ideas, work on projects, and serve as a liaison with school administration.

SOAR is currently meeting twice a month (one morning and one evening meeting). The meetings are open to AACS families at any grade level that would like to invest in making this an amazing high school and second site.

Check the High School News Updates page for SOAR-related news or contact the SOAR leaders at

Ann Arbor Christian School

Please come & see:

Ann Arbor Christian
High School

for prospective students & their parents

Click to sign up!

Upper Campus (3150 Glazier Way, Ann Arbor)



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