Clubs & Activities

Extracurricular Clubs & Activities

In addition to our Athletics program (including junior sports opportunities), AACS offers after school enrichment opportunities for students. Many of these programs are supported or made possible by parent volunteers and therefore the availability of these varies from year to year. These activities give students opportunities to use and develop new talents.

Typical Opportunities

Some of the typical opportunities include:

Theater Club for students in Grades K-9. Our next musical is Willy Wonka Jr. and performance dates are March 15 & 16, 2024. Most rehearsals will take place Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday after school from January – March. Registration opens in fall 2023.
Washtenaw Elementary Science Olympiad for students in Grades 2-5
Math Olympiad for students in Grades 4-8
Agape Girls Choir for girls in Grades 5-8
Girls on the Run for girls in Grades 3-5
First Lego Robotics for students in Grades 4-5

“For 15 years, my children attended AACS. I have served in many parent support roles throughout those years. One could say that I certainly served my time! So why am I still here? I’m still here because in those years, I found a community of people who cared deeply for my family. I found a staff who not only were invested in the education of my children but genuinely celebrated the unique gifts each of them have to offer. And they continue to pour into my kids’ lives long after they’ve graduated! I found coaches who nurtured and challenged my kids to achieve goals, develop character, and learn to be witnesses on and off the court. I’m still here because I believe in the mission of Ann Arbor Christian School and I desire to be an instrument of that mission in any way that I can.”
Shannon Waroway

Coach & Alumni Parent

Ann Arbor Christian School

Please join us:

Ann Arbor Christian
High School

for prospective students & their parents

Wed, Feb 12th
5:30-7:30 PM

Upper Campus (3150 Glazier Way, Ann Arbor)



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