Board of Directors

A seven-to-nine member elected Board of Directors governs the school. Both the Board and Head of School operate within the parameters established by the school bylaws and Governance Policies Manual. As defined by the Governance Policies Manual, the Head of School manages the daily operation of the school, is the Board’s only employee, and reports to the Board of Directors. The Board oversees the Head of School and delegates all operational authority of the school to him or her while focusing its time on strategic visioning for the school’s future.
John Nadzam, President

John Nadzam, President

B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan

Job Title:
Lead Pastor of Antioch Ann Arbor Community Church / Operations Consultant

What do you love most about AACS?
Jesus says that how we love one another will let others know we are His disciples (John 13:35). AACS offers an environment that loves the whole child through spiritual formation, academic rigor, and athletics, all in Christian community. The staff actively partner with my wife Jami and me to make sure our children know and love Jesus, love others, and equip them to learn what God has called them to do in advancing His kingdom.

Why do you serve on the Board?
I’m passionate about the school’s mission to raise up children that know how to walk with Jesus as leaders and disciple-makers in today’s society. I’m honored and excited to guard and champion this mission as I believe that AACS will continue to grow and increase its impact for God’s kingdom purposes.

Why should families give AACS a hard look for their children?
AACS will uniquely partner with you to instill God’s truth in your children and help them to live an abundant life, with purpose, and on mission.

What is your favorite passage from the Bible?
“The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, ‘The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation.’” – Exodus 34:6-7

Karen Eekhoff, Vice President

Karen Eekhoff, Vice President

B.A., Special Education, Calvin College

Job Titles: Teacher, Mom, Wife

What makes AACS so special to you and your family?
All three of our kids attended AACS from Kindergarten through eighth grade. Our kids did receive an excellent education, but beyond that, they also received the freedom to question and think creatively, to grow and change, and also to fail but then figure out how to get past the failure. Growing my children’s understanding of their faith was a priority all throughout their education at AACS. The families at Ann Arbor Christian also became a support network, for my kids and also my husband and me.

Why do you serve on the Board?
I serve on the board because I want to see Ann Arbor Christian continue its mission of partnering with families to give children the tools to discover learning through the lens of our christian faith. I want other families to experience what our family experienced. Now that my kids have grown, it’s my turn to give back a portion of what AACS has given me.

Why should families give AACS a hard look for their children?
One of my favorite aspects of AACS is the focus the staff puts not just on children’s academic life, but also their physical, emotional, and spiritual lives as well. Your children will be guided and challenged in all of those areas. Your children will be celebrated for who they are as God created them. There will be challenges and celebrations as your children go through the natural stages throughout their education at AACS, and they will be fully supported through it all. It will be hard to leave once your time at AACS comes to an end, but your children will be well prepared for what comes next.

What is your favorite passage from the Bible?
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” -Joshua 1:9 NIV

Erin Perry, Secretary

Erin Perry, Secretary

B.S., Landscape Design, Minor in Spanish, South Dakota State University

Job Title: Mom

What makes AACS so special to you and your family?
We moved to Ann Arbor in 2017, with no family or friends in the area. One year in, we joined AACS and very quickly we felt at home in this school community, and have so much peace about the care, mentorship, and faith formation our children are receiving.

Why do you serve on the Board?
AACS has an amazing 30-year foundation, and is now at a point in its history where it is facing some interesting opportunities for growth. The near future offers strategic thinking about the school’s potential, dreaming big, and putting dreams into action. It excites me to serve in a role that assists in carrying these dreams and the school’s mission forward.

Why should families give AACS a hard look for their children?
When our kids were little, we were challenged to consider the type of people we wanted them to grow into, and what school could offer that outcome. Part of that consideration is the environment that is cultivated, and who is cultivating it. There is so much intentionality behind the AACS experience. Staff lead by example to grow disciples of Jesus, find ways to allow each child to uniquely thrive, and offer many leadership opportunities in each grade. The school has done an exemplary job of partnering with parents to raise healthy, confident, and discerning students.

What is your favorite passage from the Bible?
“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” — 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 NIV

Amy Brink, Treasurer

Amy Brink, Treasurer

B.A., Spanish, Eastern Michigan University

Job Title: Business Manager at Lakeview Dental

What makes AACS so special to you and your family?
I love how the school has been able to prioritize gospel-centeredness and a rich faith environment without sacrificing academic quality or excellence. Time and again I’ve been so impressed with the staff at AACS – their professional giftedness as well as their personal Christian maturity and I’m grateful that my children are being guided by these upstanding men and women. I also love the deep network of relationships I have at the school and the source of joy and support they have been in these child-raising years.

Why do you serve on the Board?
Having been here for 11 years now, my family’s roots at AACS run deep and with a 3 year old still in the house, many more years lie before us! I am particularly excited to be joining the board at this unique moment of launching the high school. It’s such a formative part of one’s life, education, and faith journey and the school’s thoughtful and creative approach will be a gift not only to my own family but also to the wider community and the generations to come. What a privilege to participate in the unfolding of this plan and the work that the Lord is about at AACS.

Why should families give AACS a hard look for their children?
I recently read a line that deeply resonated with me and it stated that a primary purpose of Christian schools is “not to isolate students as an end in itself but rather train and equip students to engage with culture; impacting our broader society for Christ”. I love the vision of partnering with the school not out of fear but in order to prepare students to be radical, life-long disciples who work with excellence to the glory of God in whatever field, job, or sphere of influence that they occupy in the future. Many schools can and do provide an academically sound program, but often they do so absent the crucial foundation that God alone is the source and giver of all truth, wisdom, and knowledge. Through God’s grace, AACS is able to offer an academically rigorous program, but one that rightly orients our children to Christ as the cornerstone of all truth.

What is your favorite passage from the Bible?
“I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power together with all the saints to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever, and ever, Amen.” -Ephesians 3:17-21

Ann Deckert

Ann Deckert

B.A., Elementary Education, Trinity International University; Graduate work, University of Illinois

Job Title: Retired educator; First Full-Time Principal at Ann Arbor Christian School

What makes AACS so special to you and your family?
As a former principal of AACS, I was privileged to work with a highly dedicated staff, some amazing parents, and several humble, hardworking community volunteers. Through some challenging years, we worked, dreamed and prayed together to help set the foundation for a school that would provide quality Christian education for children in Ann Arbor. These former students, staff and parents endeared themselves to me for a lifetime. Under the outstanding leadership of the current Head of School, Wayne Sit, this school has now grown and been developed into a place of excellence, and an answer to the prayers and sacrificial contribution of many fine folk.

Why do you serve on the Board?
Truthfully, I am both surprised and grateful to find myself serving on the Board at this time in my life. I hope to offer an encouraging historical perspective on God’s blessing to AACS. As a retired educator and non-parent, I will do my best to contribute to an already lively conversation as the school expands to a second site.

Why should families give AACS a hard look for their children?
The AACS community has maintained an intentional commitment to the mission statement of the school. This commitment is reflected in the spiritual life of the school, the thoughtful engaging curriculum, the capable faculty, and the strong parent/community involvement. AACS provides an environment where dedicated Christian teachers are free to integrate faith and learning naturally into the school day thereby supporting parents and their church in educating the whole child. Staff retention is high allowing teachers to provide stability for students and opportunity for collaborative projects over time with fellow faculty . God has blessed AACS. The school will provide a haven for children to grow and thrive in His care.

What is your favorite passage from the Bible?
The Psalms both challenge me and offer a great source of encouragement.

Psalm 51
“Have mercy on me, O God according to your steadfast love;
Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.”

Psalm 91
“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, ‘My refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust…'”

Jayme Higgins

Jayme Higgins

B.A., Biology, University of Hawaii at Hilo; M.A., Kinesiology, San Jose State University.

Job Title: Wife and Mom

What do you love most about AACS?
There are so many things that I love about Ann Arbor Christian School. The community is probably what I love the most. From day one of our family joining the school we have felt welcomed. The transition for both of our children was as seamless as we could have ever asked for. As a parent, knowing that our children are loved by every person that they come into contact with at school is priceless. Not only are they loved; they are challenged, cared for, prayed for daily, and pointed to Jesus in all things.

Why do you serve on the Board?
AACS means so much to our family and has had such a positive impact in our lives. I would love to see that impact reach other families throughout our community. I believe in the school’s history, mission and vision and I want to help to continue to grow His school in the city of Ann Arbor. We are in a season of growth at AACS – which is very exciting! I feel that by contributing and providing input at the Board level, I can continue to give back to the school that has given our family so much.

Why should families give AACS a hard look for their children?
AACS looks at every child in their own unique way and with the gifts that God has created in them. The staff and teachers all work together with great intention to develop and grow each student. Not only do they focus on academics, but they focus on the social, spiritual and emotional components of each child. AACS has created a community where students feel safe, loved, cared for, and challenged. It is within this community that students find the freedom to truly grow and thrive to become disciples of Christ.

What is your favorite passage from the Bible?
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” ~Jeremiah 29:11

Michael Yankonis

Michael Yankonis

Job Title: Director of Engineering at Bosch

What makes AACS so special to you and your family?
AACS is not just a school. AACS is our family, it is our home. When we first came from Germany and searched for a Christian school, all the ones in the area were declining us due to our children barely speaking English. Only AACS invited us. When we first stepped into AACS we felt the deep faith and love. The teachers and the AACS families helped all our children and us coming from a different country. We have such a close bond to all the teachers and they all have gotten to know our children so well over the years.

Why do you serve on the Board?
AACS has given our 3 teenagers a strong Christ centered foundation, which is so important when they go into high school and college. The experience I have gained from 3 teenagers, the differences in public and Christian high school, and the outlook to college is something I like to bring into the board as AACS adds a high school.

Why should families give AACS a hard look for their children?
Excellent academics which prepares our children well. All teachers and staff have and share their deep love with Jesus Christ. All our 5 children went through AACS and 2 still are. Having experienced how wonderful AACS and how it shaped our children, is the best testimony I can give.

What is your favorite passage from the Bible?
“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” -Philippians 4:13